Kia Sportage>> Current leaving and service>> Check of level of working liquids
Checks of levels of working liquids
Irrespective of terms of performance of procedures of service of the car THAT agrees the Drawing, regularly examine the car on presence of signs of external leaks of the working liquids specifying in presence of breakages demanding immediate correction. |
Liquids are the integral component of systems of greasing, cooling, braking, hydrostrengthening of a wheel and washing of glasses. In view of the gradual expense and pollution of liquids in the course of normal operation of the car, it is necessary to replace them periodically. Use for updating of levels only Chapters meeting the requirements of Specifications Current leaving and liquid service.
At check of level of any liquid the car should occupy strictly horizontal position. |
Impellent oil
Measurement of level of impellent oil should be made before start of the engine or not less than through 2 mines after it останова.
If to start measurement of level of impellent oil right after engine deenergizings, the oil part remains in the top part of the unit and it will be impossible to consider results of measurement authentic. |
Start the engine, warm up it to normal working temperature, then muffle and wait some minutes, having allowed to oil to flow down in the pallet картера.
Take щуп from a directing tube and dry wipe its edge pure неворсящейся rags / a paper towel. Against the stop enter щуп back and again take it from a directing tube. The length of the site of the end of an edge moistened with oil will correspond to oil level in the engine. Thus the edge of the moistened site should be between labels F and L on щупе.
If level of impellent oil is near to the bottom mark (L), or has fallen more low it, make corresponding updating, having added a few oils through the jellied mouth equipped with a cover located from above on a cover of a head of cylinders, - remember that overflow of the engine by oil can be at the bottom забрасывания of spark plugs, developments of leaks of oil, failure of epiploons, and also damages каталитического the converter.
Having added oil, wait some minutes, having allowed to its level to be stabilised, then take щуп and repeat procedure of check of level. In case of need make corresponding updating. If on a cover of a jellied mouth pollution are found out, wash out its gasoline. Screw a cover on a mouth and tighten by hand.
Cooling liquid of the engine
Do not suppose antifreeze hit on open sites of a body and the painted surfaces of the car. Casual splashes immediately wash off a plentiful quantity of water. Remember that antifreeze is extremely a toxic liquid and its hit in an organism even in small amounts is fraught with the most serious consequences, up to a lethal outcome. Never leave antifreeze stored in leaky closed container, immediately collect cooling liquid spilt on a floor. Remember that the sweetish smell of antifreeze can draw to itself attention of children and animals. About ways recyclings of the fulfilled cooling liquid consult with local authorities, - in many regions of the world special points on any reception of working off are equipped. At all do not merge an old cooling liquid in the water drain and on the earth! |
Do not uncover a jellied mouth of a broad tank/radiator before full cooling of the engine! |
Cars considered in the present Management are equipped by system of cooling of the compensatory type, working at superfluous pressure. The plastic broad tank both on petrol, and is located on diesel models in the left forward corner of an impellent compartment ((the Impellent compartment see an example of the car equipped with the petrol engine)) and an illustration it is connected переливным by a hose to a radiator of system of cooling. In process of a warming up of the engine in the course of its functioning the extending cooling liquid is superseded in a tank cavity. At cooling of the engine the liquid automatically comes back on переливному to a hose in a working path of system of cooling.
Check of level of a cooling liquid in a broad tank should be made regularly, a minimum, once a year (it is desirable before approach of colds), and also before each long trip. Liquid level in the tank fluctuates depending on temperature of the engine and at the cold unit should be above a label L on an edge attached to a cover щупа. |
Оценочно liquid level can be checked up visually through translucent walls of a tank. In process of heating of the engine liquid level should come nearer to label MAX, or rise a little above, - if the given requirement is not carried out, allow to the engine to cool down, then uncover the tank and make corresponding updating. |
For refuelling of system of cooling necessarily apply a mix from water, antifreeze and means to protection against corrosion according to requirements of Specifications of the Head Current leaving and service.
If there is a necessity of filling of system of cooling for a way it is possible to apply pure soft water in the summer, - antifreeze can be added later, at the first possibility. |
If level of a cooling liquid quickly goes down, visually check up cooling system on presence of signs of development of leaks:
Check up a condition of hoses and reliability of their fastening on the branch pipes, the damaged components replace;
Check up correctness and density of landing of a cover of a broad tank.
If leaks it is not revealed, make check of tightness of a cover of a radiator and all охладительного a path (see the Head of System of cooling, heating, ventilation and an air conditioning).
It is necessary to check also a condition of a cooling liquid, - it should be concerning pure and transparent. If the liquid has brown or rusty colour, it it is necessary to merge, wash out охладительный a path and to fill system with a fresh mix. Even if the liquid looks normally, it is not necessary to forget that entering into its structure ингибиторы corrosion in due course lose the efficiency, it is necessary for kind of that to make replacement of a cooling liquid from time to time.
Presence at a liquid of bubbles, well distinguishable through a jellied mouth of a radiator testifies to its hit in chambers of combustion of the engine, indirect acknowledgement of that is presence of an exhaust in the form of a dense smoke of white colour, - replace a sealing lining of a head of cylinders (the Engine see the Head). |
For plum of a cooling liquid uncover a radiator and open the drain gate in its bottom part, - prepare suitable volume drain capacity. After опорожнения system of cooling do not forget to wash out its pure flowing water.
Gulf in system a fresh mix, allow to the engine to work a little at the removed cover of a radiator, then if it is required, two-three times squeeze out a pedal of gas and correct level of a cooling liquid, having finished it to demanded value.
Screw on a place a cover of a radiator and check up all connections охладительного a path on presence of signs of development of leaks, - in case of need tighten corresponding fixture. After some days still check up level of a cooling liquid, in case of need make corresponding updating.
Brake liquid
The brake liquid is among aggressive chemical compounds and is capable to lead to damage painted кузовных car surfaces. At hit of a brake liquid in eyes and on organism mucous membranes the amazed sites should be washed out immediately plentiful quantity of waters! In view of high hygroscopicity, use of the brake liquid stored in open container is inadmissible, - the liquid which has typed a moisture is not capable to provide due efficiency of functioning of brake system! Remember that mixing of brake liquids of a various grade also is categorically inadmissible! |
The tank of a brake liquid made of translucent plastic is fixed on assemblage of the main brake cylinder (ГТЦ), located in the left back corner of an impellent compartment on its back partition ((the Impellent compartment see an example of the car equipped with the petrol engine)) an illustration, and it is divided on two parts, each of which is connected to a separate hydraulic contour.
Translucent walls of the tank allow to supervise visually outside level of a brake liquid which at the closed cover should be between put on one of walls labels MIN and MAX. Watch, that level of a brake liquid did not fall below mark MIN.
Before to uncover the tank for the purpose of performance of updating of level of a brake liquid, carefully wipe its and adjoining surface of the tank pure rags for the purpose of hit prevention in a hydraulic path of pollution. Uncover and add in the tank necessary quantity of a cooling liquid of a demanded grade.
At revealing of signs of presence at a path of system of a dirt or a moisture, it is necessary to replace a brake liquid, - do not forget to pump over upon termination of procedure a hydraulic path (the Brake system see the Head). |
Having finished updating, screw on a place and manually tighten a tank cover, having tracked density of its landing.
Some lowering of level of a brake liquid in the tank will be observed on a course of wear process of frictional overlays brake колодок, - at replacement of the last level should be restored automatically. Constant lowering falling of level of a brake liquid testifies to development of external leaks in a path, - survey brake lines, hoses and штуцерные connections of a hydraulic path, estimate condition ГТЦ, examine brake supports and wheel cylinders, make sure of absence of traces of leaks on an inside of wheel assemblages.
If excessive lowering of a brake liquid took place, the hydraulic path of system after level updating should be pumped over for the purpose of removal of air which has got to it (the Brake system see the Head).
Liquid of the hydraulic booster of a wheel (ГУР)
Requirement occurrence in доливании specifies liquids ГУР in development of leaks in system, - for check address on HUNDRED! |
Tank GUR is located in the left forward corner of an impellent compartment, is direct behind a broad tank of system of cooling ((the Impellent compartment see an example of the car equipped with the petrol engine)) an illustration.
The tank is equipped by a carving cover with built in measuring щупом, - liquid level should be between marks Н and L on щупе. |
Alternatively the tank can be not equipped щупом, - in this case уровневая the scale is put directly on its translucent walls. Lowering of a liquid below mark L is inadmissible. In case of need make corresponding updating, having added in the tank demanded quantity of a liquid of the grade stipulated in Specifications. |
In order to avoid foaming, do not shake up container with a liquid before application, try to fill in a liquid slowly, reducing to a minimum probability of formation of bubbles. Apply only the fresh liquid, the car of a grade approved by manufacturers (Specifications of the Head Current leaving and service see). |
Having finished updating, start the engine and some times turn a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop, letting out from a hydraulic path air stoppers.
Liquid of washing of glasses
The liquid for windscreen washing is filled in in the equipped folding cover the plastic tank established in the right forward corner of an impellent compartment ((the Impellent compartment see an example of the car equipped with the petrol engine)) an illustration.
The tank of a liquid of a washer of back glass is located under the panel of an internal upholstery of the right back rack, - open a door of a back and remove small заглушку, located on level of the bottom cut of lateral glass. In a tank mouth the demountable goffered extension piece which application in an essential measure facilitates process заливания liquids is filled. |
In areas with a temperate climate as a washing liquid usual pure water with the additive of a small amount of means for washing of glasses can be used. In cold weather it is necessary to fill tanks no more than on two third, leaving a volume stock on mix expansion at its freezing. In areas with a frigid climate in a winter season it is necessary to use a special spirit solution steady against freezing for washing of glasses, - which always can be got in shops of automobile accessories.
The special concentrate which should be mixed in a due parity with water is issued also, - operate according to instructions of manufacturers of means. |
Transmissionnoe oil Manual transmission
Щуп for measurement of level of oil by a box design it is not provided.
Tyre out the car on a platform, or hang out horizontally on the lift.
Clear of a dirt a surface картера Manual transmission round a control aperture and turn out from the last a stopper.
Oil level should reach the bottom cut of a control aperture, - for check take advantage of a piece of a wire with the end bent at right angle, or enter into an aperture a little finger.
In case of need through the same aperture add in a box трансмиссионное oil of the recommended type, - updating make stage by stage, filling in oil in the small portions, each time checking level, preliminary having allowed oil to flow down inside картера.
Having achieved demanded result, wipe a stopper, plant on it a new sealing washer, then screw in an aperture and tighten with effort of 30 Nanometers.
Lower the car on the earth and make sure of absence of signs of leaks трансмиссионного oils, special attention having given to positions of a stopper of a control/jellied aperture and a joint картера Manual transmission with the engine, - картер it is necessary to wipe carefully, then to sprinkle the specified sites with talc or известью and, having made on the car a short trip (an order of 30 km) with use of all range of switchings of a box to make repeated visual survey. In case of revealing of leaks the reason of their development should be immediately eliminated.
If necessity for level updating трансмиссионного oils arises regularly, it testifies to presence of malfunction which is necessary for finding out and eliminating immediately.
Liquid of automatic transmission (ATF)
During a short 30-minute trip warm up ATF to normal working temperature, then park the car on an equal horizontal platform.
At the working engine consistently spend selector AT lever through all working positions, in summary having returned it in position Р.
Cock a lay brake and allow to the engine pair of minutes to work on single turns.
Wipe the handle measuring щупа and the end of a directing tube for the purpose of elimination of risk of hit in dirt transmission.
Take щуп, wipe its edge pure неворсящейся rags and again accurately fill against the stop in directing tube. Again take щуп and check up level ATF on a marking put on its edge, - the end of the moistened site of an edge should be between two risks marking borders "hot" (75С) of a scale.
If level heated-up ATF does not reach the bottom border of a "hot" scale, the car should not be admitted to operation! |
In case of need modify level ATF, adding a liquid of a demanded grade (Specifications of the Head Current leaving and service) by means of a funnel through directing tube measuring щупа see, - fill in ATF in the small portions, allowing to it to flow down completely in картер transmissions. Having finished updating, repeat check of level ATF.
Excess of admissible level ATF can lead to a transmission exit out of operation, - surplus of a liquid should be pumped out from картера АТ! |
Greasing of a distributing box
Tyre out the car on a platform, or hang out horizontally on the lift.
On models with the distributing box equipped with one control aperture, release two болтовых steams and remove a lateral support of a suspension bracket of a box.
Clear of a dirt a surface картера a distributing box round a control aperture and turn out from the last a stopper.
Oil level should reach the bottom cut of a control aperture, - for check take advantage of a piece of a wire with the end bent at right angle, or enter into an aperture a little finger.
In case of need through the same aperture add in a box oil of the recommended type.
Having achieved demanded result, wipe a stopper, plant on it a new sealing washer, then screw in an aperture and tighten with effort of 30 Nanometers.
On models of a corresponding complete set establish into place a lateral support of a suspension bracket of a distributing box.
Greasing of differentials
Tyre out the car on a platform, or hang out it horizontally on the lift.
Control/jellied apertures are located on face surfaces картеров differentials from the forward party at forward differential and with back at the back. Check of level of oil is made by analogy to checks for Manual transmission and a distributing box. Efforts of a tightening of stoppers make 39 54 Nanometers.