KIA Sportazh - Kia Sportage
Controls and operation receptions
Current leaving and service
The engine
Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Power supply systems, managements of the engine/decrease of toxicity of the fulfilled gases and release of the fulfilled gases
Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
Five-step manual box of a gear change
Automatic transmission
Transmissionnaja line
Brake system
Suspension bracket and steering
Onboard electric equipment
   The general information and safety measures
   Search of causes of failures of an electric equipment
   Safety locks - the general information
   Chain breakers - the general information
   The relay - the general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   Assembly blocks of safety locks/relays - the general information, removal, installation, replacement of safety locks
   System of timers and alarm gongs (ETWIS) - the general information, removal and installation of the operating module
   Check of serviceability of functioning of the switch of ignition
   Check of serviceability of functioning подрулевых switches
   Check of serviceability of functioning of operating switches and drive electromotors стеклоподъемников
   Check of serviceability of functioning of the operating switch and electromotors of adjustment of door rear-view mirrors
   Salonnye fixtures - replacement of lamps, check of serviceability of functioning
   Replacement of lamps and check of serviceability of functioning of external lighting devices
   Removal, check of serviceability of functioning and installation of the breaker of indexes of turns/alarm systems
   Removal, installation and adjustment of block headlights
   Safety pillows - the general information and safety measures
   Switching-off SRS
   Reading of codes of malfunction DTC
   Removal and installation of the module of a driver's pillow of safety
   Removal, installation and adjustment of a contact cable drum of the module of a driver's pillow of safety
   Removal and installation of the diagnostic module of pillows of safety (ADU)
Control кузовные the sizes
Schemes of electric connections

ххх видео подборка

Kia Sportage>> the Onboard electric equipment

Onboard electric equipment


The scheme of an arrangement of safety locks in the main assembly block in an impellent compartment, - a variant 1, petrol models

FUEL INJ System of injection of fuel
EGI MAIN (80 A) The main relay (ignition)
BTN Lamps of stoplights, licence plate illuminations, салонного the fixture and the alarm system
IGN Ignition
P/WIN Электростеклоподъемники
MAIN The fuel pump, the relay of the fuel pump, injectors, the main relay
FUEL PUMP (80) The main relay (the fuel pump, injectors)
ABS System of antiblocking of brakes
HEAD Headlights

The scheme of an arrangement of safety locks in салонном the assembly block, - a variant 1, petrol models

P/WINDOW Электростеклоподъемники
HEATER The heater fan
TAIL Dimensional/parking fires, radio illumination
HAZARD Indexes of turns, the alarm system
D/LOCK Automatic blocking of doors
STOP Stoplights
ROOM Internal lighting devices
DEF Heating of back glass
ST.SIGN Lateral repeaters of indexes of turns
F/PUMP The fuel pump
RR.WIPER К/В, a back screen wiper
WIPER Forward screen wipers
ECU The engine management module (ECM)
CIGAR Прикуриватель
RADIO Audiosystem, onboard chronometre
ENG The engine
A/BAG Safety pillows (SRS)
METER Combination of devices, backing fires
TURN Assemblages of lighting devices
O2 SEN1 Dokatalitichesky ljambda-probe
O2 SEN2 Postkatalitichesky ljambda-probe
SPARE The spare
FUSE PULLER The adaptation for extraction of safety locks

The scheme of an arrangement of safety locks in the main assembly block in an impellent compartment, - a variant 2, petrol models

In addition to listed in a variant 1:

INJ System of injection of fuel
A/CON Air conditioner
MAIN RLY The main relay (ignition)
O2 UP Dokatalitichesky ljambda-probe
O2 DN Postkatalitichesky ljambda-probe

The scheme of an arrangement of safety locks in the main assembly block in an impellent compartment, - a variant 2, diesel models

Unlike listed for the petrol engine:

IGN Ignition
GLOW Накаливание

The scheme of an arrangement of safety locks in салонном the assembly block, - a variant 2, petrol and diesel models

() — the Option

In addition to listed in a variant 1:

MIR DEF Heating of door mirrors
RR.DEF Heating of back glass
FOG Antifog headlights
TNS The switch of external lighting devices
P/OUTLET Data are absent
S/ROOF The top hatch
HEAD LOW Passing light of headlights
T.G.O. Data are absent
HEAD HI Headlight of headlights
C/FAN The fan of system of cooling
(1) Petrol models OBD-II System of onboard self-diagnostics of the second generation
Diesel models ECU the engine management Module
* Petrol models / diesel models

Assembly blocks of safety locks/relays

Two variants of schemes of an arrangement of safety locks and the relay in assembly blocks in an impellent compartment and in salon of the car with instructions of appointment of elements are shown

Lamps накаливания

The European models


Capacity, Vt

Headlights 60/55
Antifog headlights 55
Forward dimensional fires 5
Forward indexes of turns 21
Lateral repeaters of indexes of turns 5
Back indexes of turns 21
Stops-signals dimensional fires 21/5
Backing fires 21
Back foggy lanterns 21
Top level Stoplight 21
Licence plate illumination 5
The salonnyj fixture 10

The American models


Capacity, Vt


Lamps of external lighting devices

Headlights 60/55 HB2
Forward dimensional/parking fires 27/8 1157 NA
Forward indexes of turns 27/8 1157 NA
Back indexes of turns 27 1156 NA
Back dimensional fires 27/8 1157
Stoplights 27/8 1157
Top level Stoplight 27 1156
Backing fires 27 1156
Licence plate illumination 5 168

Lamps of internal lighting devices

The salonnyj fixture 10 12584
Luggage space illumination 5 DE3175

Frequency of operation of the breaker of indexes
Turns/alarm systems,
70 100

Combination of devices


Limiting admissible error of indications
(In comparison with given, received
On connected to DLC to the scanner)
8 %


Admissible error of indications of a tachometre (in comparison with the data received on connected to DLC to the scanner), gasoline/diesel engine.

The indication, rpm



Engine type

% At 20С
% At-20S ~ 60С
% At 20С
Diesel engine
% At-20S ~ 60С

Measuring instrument of a stock of fuel

Resistance, Ohm

Е 95
1./2 32.5
F 7

Measuring instrument of temperature of a cooling liquid

Resistance, Ohm

WITH 180.5
1/2 48.7 27.4
Н 15.9


The list of codes of malfunctions (DTC)


Cause of a failure

Possible source

Condition kontro-lnoj lamps MIL

rekomenda -
ции on ispra -

Р1611 Infringement of communications VIM with ECM (with prevy-sheniem admissible duration of a delay) It is damaged burn down electroconductings, or quality of contact connection is broken Вкл

Repair /
Replace a plait;

Clear memory of the processor

Р1612 Error of transfer of control sum ICU It is faulty ICU

Replace the module;

Clear memory of the processor

Р1613 It is faulty ICU

Replace the module;

Clear memory of the processor

Р1614 It is faulty ECM

Replace the module;

Clear memory of the processor

System of additional safety (SRS)

The list of codes of malfunctions (DTC)


isto -
naru -

vozmo -
At -

vysve -
-emyj kontro-lnoj a lamp

Condition SRS

rekomenda -
ции on ispravle -

00 Took place srabaty -
вание pillows bezopa -
In ADU the data is kept about is directed -
Ache to an overload
Вкл funktsioni -
Replace ADU
10 nedosta -
Level is exact naprja -
жения a food vospla -
naprjazhe -
ние has fallen more low 9 In
3 funktsioni -
Otremonti-rujte, or replace elektro -
11 Level is excessive naprja -
жения a food vospla -
naprjazhe -
ние exceeds 16 In
3 funktsioni -
Otremonti-rujte, or replace elektro -
31 It is faulty ADU vnutren -
няя neispra -
1 funktsioni -
рование it is possible, depending on weight of infringement
Replace ADU
37 Quality is broken podklju -
чения ADU
The contact socket is damaged 1 Funktsioniro-vanie it is possible, depending on weight of infringement Check up reliability of fixing of a socket, in a case neobhodi -
Pave replace burn down electro-conductings
42 Short short circuit on weight in a chain of a control lamp The lamp is damaged or it is
funktsioni -
Replace a lamp, or otremonti-rujte/
Replace elektro -
44 Short circuit on + in a chain of a control lamp The lamp is damaged or it is
funktsioni -
Replace a lamp, or otremonti-rujte/
Replace elektro -
57 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the module passages -
рской pillows bezopa -
The module of a pillow of safety or it is damaged
elektro -
7 Drive -
тельская a pillow: funktsioni -
Passages -
рская: no
Replace the module, or it
elektro -
58 Short circuit on + in a chain of the module passages -
рской pillows bezopa -
The module of a pillow of safety is damaged or it is
7 Drive -
тельская a pillow: funktsioni -
Passages -
рская: no
Replace the module, or it
elektro -
59 Short circuit in a chain of the module passages -
рской pillows bezopa -
The module of a pillow of safety or it is damaged
elektro -
7 Drive -
тельская a pillow: funktsioni -
Passages -
рская: no
Replace the module, or it
elektro -
60 Breakage in a chain of the module passages -
рской pillows bezopa -
The module of a pillow of safety is damaged or it is
7 Drive -
тельская a pillow: funktsioni -
Passages -
рская: no
Replace the module, or it
elektro -
61 Short circuit on weight in a module chain drive -
льской pillows bezopa -
The module of a pillow of safety is damaged or it is
6 Passages -
рская a pillow: funktsioni -
Drive -
льская: no
Replace the module, or it
elektro -
63 Short circuit in a module chain drive -
льской pillows bezop -
The module of a pillow of safety is damaged or it is
6 Passages -
рская a pillow: funktsioni -
Drive -
льская: no
Replace the module, or it
elektro -
65 Breakage in a module chain drive -
льской pillows bezopa -
The module of a pillow of safety is damaged or it is
6 Passages -
рская a pillow: funktsioni -
Drive -
льская: no
Replace the module, or it
elektro -
67 Short circuit on + in a module chain drive -
льской pillows bezopa -
The module of a pillow of safety is damaged or it is
6 Passages -
рская a pillow: funktsioni -
Drive -
льская: no
Replace the module, or it
elektro -
78 Error combine -
Pave ADU
The module is established nepodhodja -
щего type
2 funktsioni -
рование it is possible, in zavisi -
Pave from type ADU
Replace ADU

Schemes of electric connections

Schemes of electric connections see.

Efforts of a tightening of carving connections, Nanometer

Efforts of a tightening of separate elements of fixture can be resulted directly in the text of sections where they are allocated by a bold type.

Bolts of fastening of a driver's pillow of safety to a steering wheel 8 12
Bolts of fastening ADU 15 18