Kia Sportage>> Current leaving and service>> Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
Check of a condition and replacement of brushes стеклоочистителей*
* The given check THAT is not included into the Schedule recommended by the manufacturer, however it is necessary not to forget to check from time to time a condition of working elements of the screen wipers which serviceability of functioning guarantees to the driver the adequate review in rainy weather.
Check of a condition of brushes
On brushes of screen wipers the road film that leads to appreciable decrease in efficiency of their functioning in due course is formed, - regularly wash out brushes in a soft cleaning solution.
Assemblages of screen wipers with brushes should look round regularly on presence of cracks and signs of hardenings of rubber working elements. If in a course survey of visible signs of deterioration it is possible to reveal, moisten a windscreen, then activate screen wipers, allow to them to work a little and again switch off, - infringement of uniformity of clearing of a working site of glass testifies to necessity of replacement of brushes, or their rubber working elements.
The following concerns number of possible causes of infringement of quality of clearing by brushes wind/back glasses:
At passage by the car of an automatic sink on a windscreen particles of wax which can be removed by addition in the tank () washing of glasses of the special washing-up liquid possessing ability to dissolve wax have got;
Used for refuelling in the tank жирорастворяющее a cleaner not in a condition completely to clear glass, - take advantage of a liquid of other type.
Mechanical damage of working elements of brushes takes place, - make replacement.
During work of the mechanism of screen wipers there can be an easing of fixing elements (the Head the Body more in detail see), reliability of a tightening and which condition it is necessary to check each time simultaneously with brushes.
Replacement of brushes
Take away the lever of a screen wiper from glass and develop a brush so that to provide convenient access to plastic lock рычажку.
Wring out рычажок, shift a brush framework downwards and liberate it from bent on the end in the form of a lever hook.
Having grasped and having pulled for the end of a rubber working element, liberate lock uvulas from a metal framework.
Take from lateral flutes of a rubber working element lamellar metal holders and plant them in a replaceable element.
Installation is made upside-down.