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Check of a condition and effort of a tension of belts of a drive of auxiliary units
Check of a condition and effort of a tension of belts of a drive of auxiliary units
Schemes of a lining of belts of a drive of auxiliary units are presented in Section Belts of a drive of auxiliary units of the Head the Engine.
Check of a condition of belts of a drive of auxiliary units
Estimate a condition of each of belts of a drive of auxiliary units.
Having probed a belt on all length make sure of absence of cracks and stratifications. In case of need highlighting itself a small lamp, check up a belt on presence of attritions and заполированных to shine of sites. The belt should be examined from both parties that means its necessity перекручивания for check of a condition of a seamy side. In passing make sure of absence of traces of development of corrosion, cracks and agnails on приводных pulleys and intermediate rollers. The defective belt is subject to replacement (the Engine see the Head). Presence on a working surface of a belt of superficial perpendicular cracks is supposed. If these cracks do not overstep the bounds of one edge and not so deep, to replace a belt there is no necessity.
Pressing on a belt on a direct site in the middle between pulleys, on deflection size estimate correctness of effort of its tension (Current leaving and service see Specifications of the Head). In case of need make corresponding updating.
Make sure of correctness of landing of a belt on pulleys.