Replacement ATF should be made on a regular basis, is strict according to the Schedule of routine maintenance of the car (see Has undressed the routine maintenance Schedule). As трансмиссионная the liquid remains hot still long time after trip end before to start procedure performance, wait full cooling of the engine (3-4 hours).
Prepare a stock fresh трансмиссионной for a liquid of a demanded grade, drain capacity of suitable volume, a wrench of the corresponding size and a stock of pure rags / old newspapers.
Tyre out the car on a platform/hang out strictly horizontally on the lift.
Get under the pallet drain capacity and all necessary stock. Having placed properly reception container, turn out a drain stopper. When вытекание liquids completely will stop, wipe a stopper, screw it on the regular place and tighten with demanded effort (24.5 Nanometers), - do not forget to replace a sealing washer.
Refuelling fresh ATF is made through directing tube measuring щупа, - through a funnel fill in ATF to the middle of a working range of a "cold" scale of an edge measuring щупа (the Section Check of level of working liquids see), then translate transmission in position Р, cock a lay brake and start the engine.
Serially having spent selector AT lever through all positions, return it in position Р. Wait, while ATF will not get warm to temperature of an order 60 80C, then check up liquid level on "a hot" scale щупа. In case of need make corresponding updating.
Within first several days of operation of the car try to look regularly under the car, checking transmission on presence of signs of development of leaks. Once again check up level ATF, in case of need make updating.