KIA Sportazh - Kia Sportage
Controls and operation receptions
Current leaving and service
The engine
   Check компрессионного pressure, an estimation of a condition of cylinders
   Check of the engine by means of the vacuum gauge
   Belts of a drive of auxiliary units
   Petrol models
   Diesel models
      Greasing system - the general information
      Removal and engine installation
      Removal and installation of components of drive ГРМ
      Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes
      Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline and final collector
      Service of a head of cylinders and components газораспределительного the mechanism
      Dismantling and assemblage of the block of cylinders, service of components
      Removal and pallet installation картера
      Removal, installation and service of the oil pump
      Removal and installation маслоохладителя
      Removal and flywheel installation
      Removal and installation маслораспылителей
      Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Power supply systems, managements of the engine/decrease of toxicity of the fulfilled gases and release of the fulfilled gases
Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
Five-step manual box of a gear change
Automatic transmission
Transmissionnaja line
Brake system
Suspension bracket and steering
Onboard electric equipment
Control кузовные the sizes
Schemes of electric connections

Kia Sportage>> The engine>> Diesel models>> Service of a head of cylinders and components газораспределительного the mechanism

Service of a head of cylinders and components газораспределительного the mechanism

The given procedure is among those which performance does not demand removal of the engine from the car.

Details of installation of a head of cylinders and accompanying components

1 — Gazoraspredelitelnyj a belt
2 — the Vacuum hose
3 — the Generator
4 — the Hose маслоохладителя
5 — the Reception pipe of system of release with a basic arm
6 — Submitting топливопроводы
7 — the Line of return of fuel
8 — the Socket of electroconducting of system of preheat
9 — the Socket of the temperature gauge
10 — ShChup of measurement of level of impellent oil with a directing tube
11 — thermostat Assemblage

12 — the Bolt of a cogwheel of a camshaft
13 — a camshaft Cogwheel
14 — Segment шпонка
15 — Bolts of fastening of a back cover of drive ГРМ
16 — a ventilation Hose картера the engine
17 — the Cover of a head of cylinders
18 — Bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders
19 — the Head of cylinders
20 — the Basic arm of the generator
21 — the Sealing lining of a final collector
22 — the Inlet pipeline

Design of a head of cylinders

1 — Bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders
2 — the Head of cylinders with a sealing lining
3 — the Atomizer with a by-pass tube
4 — the Candle накаливания with electroconducting
5 — Covers of bearings of a camshaft
6 — the Camshaft
7 — the Epiploon with a cover
8 — Pushers of valves with adjusting washers
9 — Crackers of cutting locks

10 — the Top plates of springs
11 — Klapannye of a spring
12 — Valves
13 — the Bottom plates of springs
14 — Maslootrazhatelnye caps
15 — Directing plugs of valves with lock rings
16 — the Loose leaf of the chamber of combustion with a ball clamp
IN — Inlet valves
EX — Final valves

The scheme of the organisation of a drive of valves

1 — the Pusher
2 — the Camshaft
3 — the Adjusting washer
4 — the Candle накаливания

5 — the Atomizer
6 — the Prechamber
7 — the Loose leaf of the chamber of combustion
8 — the Bolt of fastening of a head of cylinders

Dismantle and service of components


    Dismantle all procedures stirring to performance components (the Order of dismantle of components see an illustration at removal of the power unit), - address to materials of corresponding sections in the given chapter, and also Heads of System of cooling, heating, ventilation and an air conditioning, the Power supply system, management of the engine/decrease of toxicity of the fulfilled gases and release of the fulfilled gases and Systems of an electric equipment of the engine. Remove газораспределительный a belt (the Section Check of a condition and replacement of a belt of drive ГРМ in the Head Current leaving and service see) and components of drive ГРМ (see Has undressed Removal and installation of components of drive ГРМ). Disconnect from a head of cylinders the inlet pipeline and a final collector.
    Operating strictly in a certain order, release bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders. Definitively turn out fixing bolts and remove a head, preliminary обстучав on perimetre of a joint with the block a hammer with soft the brisk. Remove a sealing lining of a head.
    Remove atomizers with топливоотводными tubes (Power supply systems, managements of the engine/decrease of toxicity of the fulfilled gases and release of the fulfilled gases see). Turn out and remove candles накаливания, remove their electroconducting (Current leaving and service see the Head). Examine a head on presence of traces of development of leaks, cracks, cavities in interfaced surfaces and other mechanical damages. With the help щупа лезвийного type and a planeness measuring instrument (the steel ruler put on an edge) estimate degree of deformation of cylinders interfaced to the block, the inlet pipeline and a final collector of surfaces of a head. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications of the Head the Engine. The defective head is subject to replacement.

Restoration of planeness of interfaced surfaces of a head of cylinders by their machining is not admissible at all!

Measurement of deformation interfaced to the block of cylinders of a surface of a head is made in six directions.
The scheme of measurement of deformation interfaced to the inlet pipeline and a final collector of surfaces of a head of cylinders.
    Operating strictly in a certain order, release bolts of fastening of covers of bearings of a camshaft.
    Remove covers and take a camshaft.
    Take pushers of valves with adjusting washers, - at assemblage all components should be established strictly on the former places.
    Carefully wipe beds of bearings in a head and covers, then lay a camshaft on the regular place and measure its size axial люфта.
    By means of set Plastigage serially define sizes of working backlashes in camshaft bearings, - track correctness of an arrangement of covers observance of requirements of Specifications of the Head the Engine to efforts of a tightening of their fixture.

The tightening of bolts should be made in an order, the return to their order отпускания.

Gauging of size of backlashes in bearings of a camshaft by means of set Plastigage, - the fixture tightening подшипниковых covers should be made with demanded effort.
    At installation of covers during performance of procedure of gauging of backlashes in bearings track correctness of their arrangement.
    Compare results of the made measurements to requirements of Specifications of the Head the Engine, in case of need replace a shaft and-or a head.
    With the help плунжерного циферблатного a measuring instrument (DTI) define sizes выступания over a surface of a head/depth of landing in a head of loose leaves (1) chambers of combustion, - if the result any of measurements falls outside the limits an admissible range (Specifications of the Head the Engine see), replace loose leaves/heads.
    By means of special adaptations compress a spring of the first valve and take from a flute on its core crackers of the cutting lock. Dismantle adaptations and take a spring with plates and the valve. Operating in a similar manner, remove components of the remained valves.
    By means of special nippers remove маслоотражательные caps of directing plugs of valves.

Capture of a cap by nippers is possible only after extraction of the bottom plate клапанной springs.

    In case of need, operating from the back party of a head, by means of approaching выколотки beat out loose leaves of chambers of combustion, try not to lose fixing balls.
    With the help щупа лезвийного type measure depth of landing of the valve in a head of cylinders. The rating value of depth of landing of valves (both inlet, and final) makes 0.75 1.05 mm. If the result of measurement lies within a range 1.55 2.55 mm, establish on a plate клапанной springs an equivalent washer. If depth of landing of the valve exceeds value of 2.55 mm, it is necessary to replace a head of cylinders.
1 — a planeness Measuring instrument (the steel ruler put on an edge)
2 — ShChup лезвийного type
3 — Depth of landing of the valve
    Estimate a condition of the valves removed from the engine. In case of revealing of signs of deterioration, deformations and other mechanical damages of plates or cores replace defective components.

Insignificant teases can be removed from surfaces of cores by means of a grinding stone.

    Grease клапанное a saddle with a thin layer of lead minium and, without rotating, press to it a valve plate. Take the valve and on left on a surface of its working facet to a trace estimate density of its pressing to a saddle.
1 — the Saddle
2 — Width of a contact zone
3 — Lead minium
    In case of infringement of uniformity of a stain of contact, or an exit of its width for limits of an admissible range (1.7 2.3 mm) the saddle should be прошлифовано a grinding nozzle for the purpose of removal задиров and agnails, or is subjected machining with application of special cutters with working corners in 15, 45 or 60 degrees. During processing regularly repeat quality check прилегания the valve.
    Make grinding in of valves to saddles in a head of cylinders, - in quality притирочного means the abrasive paste which has been got mixed up in impellent oil is used special мелкодисперсная. Try not to admit mix hit on a valve core. After realisation of grinding in the contact stain should have the form of the continuous ring located in an average part of a working facet of a plate. From this point on each valve should be unequivocally adhered to the saddle, - the given fact should be taken into consideration at assemblage.
    By means of a micrometer measure diameters of cores of valves. Results of measurements write down.
IN — the Inlet valve
EX — the Final valve
    Having armed нутромером (1), measure internal diameters of directing plugs of valves.
    By subtraction of results of the first series of measurements from corresponding results of the second series define size люфтов landings of valves in directing plugs. Compare results of calculations to requirements of Specifications of the Head the Engine, in case of need replace directing plugs.
    By means of the special adaptation beat out directing plugs from the landing nests in a head aside opposite to the party of placing of chambers of combustion.
    Plant on the new directing plug a lock ring and by means of the special adaptation begin to knock the plug in a landing nest in a head, operating from outside to an opposite side of placing of chambers of combustion, - the lock ring should disappear completely in a landing nest.

Pay attention to constructive differences between directing plugs of inlet and final valves.

1 — the Lock ring
2 — head Moulding
3 — the Directing plug
Pay attention to constructive distinctions of directing plugs inlet (IN) and final (EX) of valves.
    Having finished installation of new directing plugs, repeat gauging люфтов landings in them of corresponding valves.

Installation маслоотражательных caps should be made after end of adjustment of valves.

    Attentively study a condition клапанных springs, - in case of revealing having chopped off, cracks and other mechanical damages replace defective components. Measure free length of springs, estimate infringement degree торцовки, - at excess by result of any of measurements of limiting admissible value (Specifications of the Head the Engine see) replace a corresponding spring ().
Measurement of free length клапанной springs.
Check торцовки клапанной springs.
    Measure external diameters of pushers, write down results of measurements. If the result of measurement falls outside the limits an admissible range replace a corresponding component.
    Measure internal diameters of nests (2) under landing of pushers (1) in head moulding. Write down results. By subtraction of results of the first measurements from results of the second define sizes landing люфтов pushers. Compare results of measurements to Spetsifikatsy Gdavy Dvigatel's requirements, in case of need replace corresponding pushers/heads of cylinders.
    Make measurement of height of cams of a camshaft, - if the result any makes of measurements less than the Head stipulated in Specifications the Engine of limiting admissible value, it is necessary to replace a shaft.
Н — cam Height
    Measure diameters подшипниковых necks, check up them on presence and ovality. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications of the Head the Engine, in case of need replace a shaft.
And — Vertical gauging
In — Horizontal gauging
    Lay a shaft in prisms and by means of measuring instrument DTI check up it on bend presence. If the result of measurement exceeds limiting admissible value, replace a shaft.



    Assemblage is made upside-down. Track, that all adjusted and ground in components were established strictly on the places.
    At landing маслоотражательных caps take advantage special оправко, - do not forget to grease caps with impellent oil preliminary.
    Before their refuelling in directing plugs also it is necessary to grease cores of valves, - take advantage молибденсодержащей of greasing, at landing of crackers of cutting locks take advantage of special adaptations. At installation of adjusting washers do not forget to put oil on face surfaces of pushers.
1 — the Adjusting washer
2 — the Pusher
    At camshaft installation grease its necks and bed of bearings with pure impellent oil, remember that landing of covers of bearings of a camshaft should be made on hermetic.
    The tightening of fixing bolts of covers is made after installation of an epiploon of a camshaft and in an order, the return to their order отпускания.
    Having established a camshaft, make definitive assemblage of a head, having planted on it hinged components. Track cleanliness of interfaced surfaces of a head, the inlet pipeline and a final collector, do not forget to replace a sealing lining.
1 — Elevating for rigging fixing at engine lifting
2 — Candles накаливания with the electroconducting complete set
3 — Atomizers
4 — the Inlet pipeline
5 — the Final collector
6 — the Basic arm of the generator
    At installation of the NEW sealing lining of a head track correctness of its placing on the block. Before вворачиванием bolts of fastening of a head measure their length, - excessively extended bolts (Specifications of the Head the Engine see) are subject to replacement. The tightening of bolts should be made in stages (Specifications of the Head the Engine see) in an order, the return to their order отпускания. Installation of the remained components is made in an order, the return to an order of their removal (corresponding sections in the given chapter and Section Check of a condition and replacement of a belt of drive ГРМ in the Head Current leaving and service see).