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Removal, installation and adjustment of block headlights
Removal, installation and adjustment of block headlights
The general information
Block headlights are fixed on the basic arms located between a lattice of a radiator and assemblages of forward indexes of turns. Block headlight fixing is carried out by means of two screws and one торсионной the springs, two more screws serve for adjustment of a direction of an optical axis of a headlight. The lens of a headlight having the aerodynamic form fastens to a plastic reflector in which it is fixed equipped with the built in contact socket галогенный the fixture, - the fixture is inserted from the back party of assemblage and fastens a spring clamp, is outside established protective rubber пыльник.
Visually estimate a condition of lenses, lamps and sockets of electroconducting of block headlights, check up a condition yellow 20-ampernogo a safety lock in the assembly block.
Removal and installation
Adjustment of a direction of an optical axis of a headlight is made in horizontal and vertical planes by means of two screws located from the top party of assemblage.