KIA Sportazh - Kia Sportage
Controls and operation receptions
Current leaving and service
The engine
Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Power supply systems, managements of the engine/decrease of toxicity of the fulfilled gases and release of the fulfilled gases
Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
Five-step manual box of a gear change
Automatic transmission
Transmissionnaja line
Brake system
Suspension bracket and steering
   The general information
   The external equipment and кузовные elements
      Removal, installation and adjustment of components of devices of clearing and windscreen washing
      Removal, installation and adjustment of components of devices of clearing and washing of back glass
      Removal and lattice installation обтекателя
      Removal and installation and cowl adjustment
      Removal and installation of bumpers
      Removal and installation of door rear-view mirrors
      Removal and installation of a folding arm of fastening of a spare wheel
      Osteklenie bodies - the general information
      Dismantling, removal, installation and adjustment of doors
      Design of a drive door стеклоподъемников
      Design of a drive of door-locks
   The salon equipment
Onboard electric equipment
Control кузовные the sizes
Schemes of electric connections

Kia Sportage>> Body>> The external equipment and кузовные elements>> Dismantling, removal, installation and adjustment of doors

Dismantling, removal, installation and adjustment of doors

The design of drives of door-locks and стеклоподъемников is in detail considered in Sections the Design of a drive door стеклоподъемников and the Design of a drive of door-locks.

Forward doors

Design of assemblage of a forward door

1 — the Internal handle
2 — the Panel of an internal upholstery
3 — Izoljatsionnyj the screen
4 — the Drummer of the lock
5 — the door-lock Activator
6 — the Armrest
7 — the Directing trench of a window aperture
8 — Glass
9 — regulator Assemblage стеклоподъемника
10 — Directing glasses
11 — door-lock Assemblage
12 — a door Frame

13 — the External handle
14 — the Sealant
15 — the Terminator of a course of a door
16 — a terminator Finger
17 — Loopy assemblage
18 — Molding
19 — a loudspeaker Overlay
20, 21 — Uplotniteli bottom
22 — Pylnik
23 — the Pocket in an armrest/poruchnevaja the handle
24 — the Arm поручневой handles
25 — the door-lock Cylinder

Dismantling, removal and installation


    Disconnect a negative wire from the battery. Remove the panel of an internal upholstery of a door.
    Turn out two fixing screws and remove an arm поручневой handles.
    Turn out four fixing bolts, liberate from clamps on a doorframe burn down electroconductings and динамик a loudspeaker. Disunite a contact socket and remove динамик.
    Separate from a door film изоляционный the screen. Connect the battery and, - if disconnected, - electroconducting of the switch of a drive стеклоподъемника. Include ignition and half lower door glass. Switch off ignition and disconnect a negative wire from the battery. Through an aperture in a doorframe turn out two bolts of fastening of glass to a regulator стеклоподъемника.
    Having inclined forward, accurately take glass from a window doorway.
    Disconnect electroconducting from the electromotor of a drive of a regulator стеклоподъемника, give six nuts and through a service aperture take assemblage of a regulator from a doorframe.
    Remove directing trench (1) window apertures.
    Turn out one fixing bolt and through a service aperture take directing glasses from a doorframe.
    Rotating counter-clockwise, remove the button отпускания the door lock.
    Disconnect two приводных a rod from the external handle of a door.
    Turn out three fixing bolts and through a service aperture take from a doorframe замковую assemblage.
    On the right door give two fixing nuts and remove the lock activator. Give two fixing nuts and remove the external handle of a door. Remove a door rear-view mirror (see Has undressed Removal and installation of door rear-view mirrors). Disunite five contact sockets of the electroconducting laid in a doorframe. Through a service aperture take electroconducting from a frame.
    Accurately beat out a hammer a finger of the terminator of a course of a door, - try not to damage a paint and varnish covering.
    Give two fixing nuts and remove the terminator. Remove пыльник a door threshold.
    Turn out four loopy bolts and remove a door from the car, - take advantage of the help of the assistant.
    In case of need remove panels of furnish of a door threshold and the bottom section of a rack In and remove from an adjusting flange of a doorway a sealing strip.
    Installation is made in an order, the return to an order of dismantle of components, - track observance of requirements of Specifications of the Head the Body to efforts of a tightening of carving fixture. Check up correctness of landing of a door in кузовном an aperture, in case of need make corresponding updating.



    Release loopy bolts and level a door in an aperture concerning associates кузовных panels. Having finished adjustment, do not forget to tighten bolts with demanded effort. Check up correctness защелкивания a door-lock. In case of need release fixing bolts and correct position of the drummer.

By displacement of the drummer in a horizontal direction position of back edge of the closed door concerning a rack surface can be levelled.

Back doors

The order of performance of procedures is similar described above for forward doors adjusted for differences in a design of assemblages.

Design of assemblage of a back door

1 — the Internal handle
2 — the Armrest
3 — the Panel of an internal upholstery
4 — the Button of deenergizing of the lock
5 — Izoljatsionnyj the screen
6 — the Central directing trench
7 — the Directing trench of a window aperture
8 — the Drummer of the lock
9 — the drive Handle стеклоподъемника
10 — Glass (the mobile and fixed sections)
11 — regulator Assemblage стеклоподъемника
12 — door-lock Assemblage

13 — a door Frame
14 — the door-lock Activator
15 — the External handle
16 — the Sealant
17 — the Terminator of a course of a door
18 — a terminator Finger
19 — the Central trench
20 — Loopy assemblage
21, 24, 25 — Uplotniteli
22 — Molding
23 — Poruchnevaja the handle

Back door

Design of assemblage of a door of a back

1 — Back glass
2 — Molding
3 — a door Frame
4 — the Sealant

5 — the Drummer of the lock
6 — the Panel of an internal upholstery
7 — the E/motor of a drive of a screen wiper
8 — the Screen wiper
9 — Gazonapolnennyj a telescopic emphasis

Dismantling, removal and installation


    Disconnect a negative wire from the battery. Open a back door. Turn out two fixing screws and uncover a door stoplight of top level. Disconnect electroconducting, turn out two fixing screws and remove a stoplight lantern. Having disunited two contact sockets (on one from each party of door assemblage) disconnect electroconducting of a heater of back glass. Remove earthing uvula of fixing of the right socket of electroconducting of a heater. Release 12 clamps and remove the bottom panel of an internal upholstery of a door. Remove a plastic cover to the left of the central aperture in a doorframe and through a service aperture disunite three contact sockets of internal electroconducting of a door. Disunite three one-contact sockets, located in the left top corner of door assemblage. Take from a landing aperture in the left top corner of a door the rubber plug through passage and liberate from a doorframe burn down electroconductings. Take pins from a socket of a stoplight and one pin from the left socket of a heater of glass. Accurately liberate plaits of electroconducting from the cable channel in a doorframe, and also from a protective casing and the rubber plug through passage. Fix cases of sockets the pins. Liberate from a doorframe the right plug through passage, having provided with that access to a tube of giving of a liquid to a nozzle of washing of back glass. Remove a nozzle and disconnect from it submitting tube.
    Having got of support of the assistant, reliably fix a back door in open position and disconnect from a door spherical support of a telescopic emphasis.
    For the purpose of simplification of procedure of installation compress a protective cover and fix from its lateral aspect a socket of a submitting hose. Disconnect submitting hose from a socket and remove it from the car.
    Turn out on one loopy bolt.
    Having made sure of reliability of fixing of a door, turn out the remained two bolts and remove door assemblage from the car. Installation is made in an order, the return to an order of dismantle of components, - track observance of requirements of Specifications of the Head the Body to efforts of a tightening of carving fixture. Check up correctness of landing of a door in кузовном an aperture, in case of need make corresponding updating.



    Make control gaugings And, In and D and make sure that results of measurement do not fall outside the limits admissible ranges, in case of need release loopy bolts and spherical support of a telescopic emphasis and correct door position in кузовном an aperture. Having finished adjustment, tighten bolts and support with demanded effort.
    Make control gauging With, - position established on lateral stacks кузовного an aperture of wedges defines a corner of closing of a door on S.Esli's kind result of measurement exceeds admissible value, shift wedges outside, - for increase in the size it is necessary to shift, on the contrary, wedges towards an aperture.