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System of additional safety (SRS)
System of additional safety (SRS)
Into number of devices and the components forming system of additional safety (SRS) enter:
Two lobbies (face-to-face) and bottom (knee) driver's safety pillows. The module of the main face-to-face driver's pillow of safety is placed in a steering wheel nave, the bottom pillow is built in in the panel of devices at level of knees of the driver. The pillow of safety of the forward passenger is built in in the right part of the panel of devices of the car. The locations of pillows are marked by precautionary inscriptions SRS AIRBAG;
The gauges of the directed overloads working at strong front blow;
Electronic system of self-diagnostics which at the included ignition provides constant testing of gauges of overloads, the management block, газогенераторов pillows and connecting electroconducting of corresponding chains;
Automatic emergency натяжители, built in in returnable devices of seat belts of forward seats;
The control lamp of refusals SRS which has been built in in a combination of devices;
The independent power supply intended for duplication of function of the onboard storage battery in case of its exit out of operation during collision.
In a combination of devices of the car the special control lamp intended for the prevention of the driver about revealed system of self-diagnostics refusals SRS is built in. Operation of a control lamp testifies to possible malfunctions of modules of pillows of safety, or automatic emergency натяжителей seat belts.
Principles of functioning of pillows of safety
At weak face-to-face collisions, lateral collisions, and also at car overturning regular pillows of safety should not to work. |
Gauges of the directed overloads react to excess of some limiting value which can arise at a strong head-on collision. On a signal of gauges the management block activates газогенераторы safety pillows, causing their instant filling.
During collision the seat belt keeps from displacement the bottom part of a trunk sitting. Forward pillows of safety help to prevent травмирование the driver and the forward passenger as a result of blow by their head and a thorax about a steering wheel/panel of devices. The bottom pillow of safety is intended for prevention of damage of knee joints of the driver.
Principle of action of a driver's pillow of safety
As information signals arrive on the block of management SRS from the same gauges, operation of all pillows of safety occurs simultaneously. Nevertheless, the probability инициации only one of modules is not excluded, - such becomes possible when the size of the directed overloads which have arisen at collision was on the verge of a range of sensitivity of gauges. In this case seat belts provide reliable enough protection of the driver and the forward passenger while the effect from operation of pillows will be minimum.
Right after operation and performance by pillows of the functions gas from them is issued that allows the driver to keep the review and freely to manipulate all controls the car.
Full duration of process from the moment of giving of a signal before release of gas from pillows occupies with gauges of overloads no more the tenth fraction of a second. Operation of modules occurs so quickly that the human ear simply is not capable to apprehend a clap газогенераторов at filling of pillows.
After operation of pillows of safety the volume of salon of the car looks slightly filled with smoke because of suspension dispersion тонкодисперсного a powder by which covers of the combined pillows are usually poured. People with disease of respiratory organs can feel certain discomfort from the gaseous products containing in air allocated газогенераторами of pillows.
Order of functioning of a control lamp of refusals SRS
Control lamp SRS is built in in a combination of devices of the car (the Part the car Equipment, an arrangement of devices and controls see).
At ignition inclusion (the ignition key will turn in position ON) there is the short-term operation of a control lamp confirming serviceability of its functioning.
At refusal of a lamp of deenergizing after realisation of start of the engine, or at its operation during movement the car should be driven away at the first possibility on HUNDRED KIA, - serviceability of operation of components SRS at failure it is in the present state of affairs guaranteed cannot be.
Automatic emergency натяжители seat belts
Emergency automatic натяжителями returnable devices треханкерных seat belts of forward seats are equipped. Натяжители are put in action on a signal of gauges of directed overloads SRS during a head-on collision and provide instant sample of a weak point of belts therefore straps of the last densely cover a body sitting, appreciably raising degree of protection of the driver and the forward passenger.
Натяжитель it is built in in assemblage of the returnable mechanism of a belt. The using order such belts is similar to an order of using belts of the usual design equipped with inertial returnable devices. The operation mechanism натяжителя is absolutely opaque to the user and does not demand from the last any additional skills and knowledge.
Activation натяжителей occurs only at considerable face-to-face overloads. Operation of modules is accompanied by a loud clap and insignificant дымообразованием.
Allocated at operation натяжителей the smoke is safe for health of the person, however at direct inhalation can cause irritation of mucous membranes. |
As well as in case of safety pillows, modules emergency натяжителей are calculated on unitary operation and after that are subject to replacement in gathering with belts, - address on firm HUNDRED companies KIA. The inscription testifies To operation emergency натяжителей seat belts REPLACE BELT, put on a label which is put forward from directing belt, - выпрастывание the same label testifies to an excessive stretching at blow of belts of a usual design.