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System of simplification of cold start of the diesel engine
System of simplification of cold start of the diesel engine
The general information
For achievement of necessary temperature of ignition compressed in cylinders of the cold engine of an air-fuel mix the system of simplification of cold start is used.
The special candle consisting of the case with впрессованным in it by a heating core is rolled in the chamber of combustion of each of cylinders, generated by two spirals: heating and adjusting. After pressure giving the heating spiral in a core heats up within several seconds to temperature + 850С, thus a current strength, passed through a candle reaches 30 Ampere-second increase in degree of warming up resistance increases also filched that promotes decrease in a current strength to value 15 - 25 A.Po switching-off of a control lamp of system накаливания on the panel of devices it is possible to carry out start the engine.
Time spent for a preliminary warming up of cylinders, makes no more than 12 seconds and is regulated by the special relay and the engine management module (ECM), receiving the information on current temperature of a cooling liquid of the engine through gauge ECT. On the basis of the analysis of received data ECM exercises administration of duration of functioning of system накаливания and a working current of heating.
Principle of functioning of system of preheat
Duration of a phase of preheat is defined on temperature of a cooling liquid (gauge ECT ECM), - corresponding dependence is presented in the table.
Temperature of a cooling liquid, С |
130 |
40 |
20 |
0 |
-25 |
Time of activation of the relay, with |
1 |
7 |
8 |
10 |
12 |
Time of activation of a control lamp of preheat, with |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
7 |
Compulsory switching-off of a phase preliminary накаливания occurs at start of the engine after поворачивания a key in position START.
In a thermoheat phase it is used residual warmly heating elements of candles after return of a key from position START in position OFF at unsuccessful attempt of start of the engine before end of a phase of preheat when the candle relay is activated.
In a phase of postheat the system passes after successful realisation of start. Dependence of functioning of candles накаливания in the given phase from temperature of a cooling liquid is presented in the table.
Temperature of a cooling liquid, С |
70 |
60 |
50 |
30 |
-40 |
Time of activation of the relay, mines |
0 |
1.5 |
4.9 |
8.1 |
8.1 |
Postheat switching-off occurs at the termination of admissions of ignition of a working mix, and also on reaching temperature of a cooling liquid of value in 70С. Besides, management of functioning of a phase of postheat is made on turns of the engine and degree of squeezing of a pedal of gas.
Parametres of activation of a phase of postheat depending on engine turns. |
Parametres of activation of a phase of postheat depending on degree of squeezing of a pedal of gas. |
Temperature drop of a cooling liquid below value 60С leads to repeated activation of postheat. |
Protective switching-off of the relay of candles накаливания occurs at excess by pressure of the battery of value in 16 In when the engine is not turned.
At pressure lowering more low 14 In more than on two seconds of the relay again it is activated. Besides, switching-off of candles is made at refusal actually the relay, and also gauges ECT, CMP and positions of a pedal of gas. |